Monday, January 24, 2011

vatican conspiracy theory

Vatican Conspiracy – The Roman Catholic’s heart can be found in the Vatican, the sumptuously house of the Pope who is the spiritual leader of all Roman Catholics in the world. The Holy See, Vatican is surrounded by the city which is an independent papal state in Rome and the headquarters of the Roman Catholic religion. It lies on an area of 44 hectares, with a population estimated at around 850 people. The Vatican is fully independent from Italy, with its own currency exchange, its own radio station and a police department.
But even institutions that seem most benefactresses can be corrupted by the taste of power. Exerting a double power of tradition and religion on the millions of Roman Catholics around the world, it is possible that the organization inside Vatican has been blinded by power. Thus, poisoning the spiritual atmosphere with nothing more than pure human greed. Because of the power and riches that the Vatican has gathered along the centuries, the political intrigues are inevitable and may be complicating the need to care of people.
Few can tell what secrets the Holy See are hiding, but as the Vatican continues to display an image of unselfish goodwill, it is possible that an obscure foundation does exist which even many members of the Holy See not aware of.
Vatican conspiracy – Pope John Paul I died apparently in bed reading newspapers about connections between the Mafia and the Vatican. When he was found, the newspapers disappeared. Moreover, he was not issued a public death certificate. John Paul was embalmed only 12 hours after he was found dead, even though Italian law says that it must pass 24 hours.
The Mafia has long been suspected as playing a key role in many aspects of the Vatican conspiracy. After the death of Pope John Paul I, the alleged influence was carefully studied. Dressing the pontificate mantle, more than likely the popular Pope began to explore deeper layers of the corruption inside the Vatican. This would include direct links with mafia gangs through the Vatican Bank. To stop him from taking measures to put an end to corruption, it is possible that the Mafia and its people inside killed the Pope.
Vatican conspiracy – John Paul I started to change the Catholic faith by allowing birth control and taking steps to redistribute some of the huge wealth of the Church. These two moves were sufficient to dissatisfy the conservatives and some members of the Holy See. After he was found dead in his bed on September 28th 1978, a new Pope was elected. A Pope that not surprisingly, was far more conservative than his predecessor.
But the Vatican conspiracy was not over with the death of Pope John Paul I. For his successor there have been two attempts of assassination, showing worrisome links with Stasi, secret police of East Germany. In 1998, a member of the Swiss Guard had killed his superior and his wife. The Vatican considered it an unfortunate case of insanity about the one killed. Alois Esterman said he had connections with the Stasi. Even more interesting is that, in 1981, he saved the Pope by blocking the beating havoc. Was Easterman killed by Vatican conspiracy – or someone who had been involved in the assassination attempt to try to prevent the embarrassing links become public?
For more than 500 years, the Pope applicants had to pass the Sella Stercoraria tests. In this somewhat embarrassing ritual, the candidates were forced to sit on a chair with a hole, such as genital organs to be examined to determine if they were really into men. Only after are all the candidates allowed to become Pope.
Jesus once explained the connection between the rich, camels, needy and the entry to heaven. Given the Vatican’s richness, from library and the bank, the treasures hidden in its vaulting, they apparently missed some classes from Sunday School.

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